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TurboTax Accounts Hacked

Intuit the financial-software maker had to warn some users of its turbo tax Tax-return preparation software that their accounts may have been compromised. Those customers’ accounts have been locked. If any customer has been affected then must call (800) 944-8596 and state the word “ Security” when promoted, after Intuit tech-support representatives will talk through the process of regaining access to their accounts.

In account takeover attacks, cybercriminals gained access to the victims accounts using credentials stolen from other online services following past data breaches. This type of attack works well against targets who use the same login credentials for multiple sites or services. 

 “By accessing your accounting the unauthorized party may have obtained information contained in a prior years tax return or your current tax return in progress, such as your name, social security number, address, date of birth, driver license number and financial information, and information of other individuals contained in the tax return,” Intuit explained.

“We deeply regret that this incident may have affected you. Intuit has taken various measures to help ensure that the accounts affected customers are protected. We are notifying you so you can take steps to help protect your information,” the company added. After Intuit is going to walk through an identity verification procedure designed to help reactivate the accounts that were affected.


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