Hours of Operation: Weekdays 9:00am-3:00pm (Monday & Friday are Appointment Only)
KCs BookkeepingKCs BookkeepingKCs Bookkeeping
(208) 336-6997
Boise, ID
KCs BookkeepingKCs BookkeepingKCs Bookkeeping

We Offer a Wide Range of Tax Services for Business Owners, Executives, and Individuals Idaho's Most Dependable Bookkeeping & Accounting Service Doing Your Taxes
Doesn't Have to Suck
Get A Head Start On Your Taxes Now!

What Can We Help You With Today!

Schedule Your Appointment Today

We see the big picture, and help you take control of your finances

We believe everyone should know where they are going or if they are needing help to guide them. Our goal is to help you or your business grow.

Built for growing businesses

We are committed to giving you timely, accurate, and reliable information to help you grow.

Unlimited Support

we never limit support based on business size. We are here to help your business succeed.

Secure Client Portal

You'll have reports available at your fingertips 24/7. Our solutions will give you access to the data you need at all times.

Local Provider

We live and work in the Treasure Valley and have been in business 11 years and we are here to help you.

Here Is What Customers Are Saying

We bring more than 11 years of accounting/tax preparation experience and a member of the Idaho Association of Tax Consultants.


We provide years of experience in accounting solutions for your business needs. Ranging from full-service , we provide whatever level of service that best fits…


As a business owner you have important things to do than to keeping track of your own books. We take care of your books for…


For business owners, one of the most time-consuming things they have to take care of every month, is payroll. They have to check all their…


We offer fast and accurate tax returns at an affordable rate. Our main objective is to help you get the most of out your tax…

You can learn more from our asked questions

Check Refund Status at: https://sa.www4.irs.gov/irfof/lang/en/irfofgetstatus.jsp
Personal Taxes: Starting at $95
Business Taxes: Starting at $895
Visit: https://www.irs.gov/coronavirus/economic-impact-payments
Log in into your smart vault and go into your accounting folder to find your profit and loss.
Login into Smart Vault, go to your taxes folder and chose what year you need.
Here is a link: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw4.pdf or go to irs.gov and go to the form tab and look for W-4.
Here is a link: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw9.pdf or go to irs.gov and go to form tab and look for W-9.
Go to irs.gov and go to the Get Your Tax Record tab and go through that or you can schedule a IRS call.
Login into your Smart Vault, then go to payroll folder, then chose what year you need and then there will be a folder for paystubs and reports from you to chose from.

Two Locations to Serve You



To review means to look back over something for evaluation or memory.

It’s always a joy to hear that the work we do has positively impacted our clients and that they are happy to share their experience.

We’re here to share storys & more news

We would love to share a similar experience and how I learned some valuable lessons during a downturn.

Make an appointment in less than 60 seconds.

We look forward to helping you with all of your tax needs. Click the link below and we will help you with all of your tax needs.



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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)